Monday, November 28, 2011

Be- an incense expert

I use incense when I meditate. I love it and have been using it for years. It's wonderful for relaxing your mind and helping you focus on your awareness. Have you ever been in the store staring at the many scents and wondered what the difference was between them?

Well apparently certain incense when used like aromatheraphy can alter your mood and in turn help heal your mind. Every scent has a corresponding association such as:

Lavendar - meditation/physic awareness
Eucalyptus, Frankincense- communitcation, intuition
Chamomile- calm, soothing
Peppermint, Rosemary- emotional healing, good luck
Musk, Patchouli- passion, sexuality
Tuberose- chakra balancing, highest consciousness
Lemon- awareness, power
Sandalwood, Rose- enlightenment, spirituality
Ylang Ylang- inspiration, self love
Ceaderwood, Pine- courage, protection
Jasmine- love, intuition
Clove- energy, grounding

Or you could just burn it cause it smells good! My Mom always tells me a funny story of burning some in her bedroom in the 60's and my Grandma freaking out thinking it was pot! Oh the 60's!!!

Love and Hugs 

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